Τετάρτη 9 Ιουλίου 2014

On the whole gov shutdown/gun control/Obamacare circus

You walk into a bar these days and here's what a Republican has to say about universal health care being promoted by the government:

"I believe it's unfair for the working class-people like you and me- to pay/sponsor health insurance for poor people."
Here's my response "So you are fine letting people die just because they can't afford paying for health insurance"??

Hunger numbers in America are out of control and the same can be said for wealth inequity in this country while the scumbags in D.C. are cutting down on the food stamps program.
AT least I'm proud for my representative blasting Obama and his care..

Well here's my take on the government shut down a few months ago: when all is said and done Republicans will come up on top of the Obamacare saying "we knew it wasn't going to work" and "this was our way of telling America about it". And I'm slightly worried that this is deemed to happen right about elections 2016 time, coincidence? you decide!

And please don't forget that we can always blame the Germans for everything although this is still AMURICA