From WARRIORS INSIDE BAY AREA: "The end was nearing. Time running out and the added pressure of a 9 game losing streak to the Fakers pressed ever harder. Still down by 10 with 8 minutes remaining, the mist parted for a split second as the lights shone down and something occurred that changed the game completely. Kobe pulled his groin. Maybe a gift from the Karma gods, it was apparent that Kobe's groin was holding him back. He couldn't explode to the basket or defend very well. With 2:20 left in the game and down by 5, Baron made an incredible 3. Seconds later he pushed a fast break, swinging the ball to Jackson to tie the game.
"Give me the ball! I'm going to end this streak" Baron demanded and he did just that. With Kobe sitting on the bench because of his groin Baron took over in Baron fashion. With a one point lead and 19 seconds left Baron made a step to the basket, pulled back and drained a floating 3 pointer which won the game. "I AM LEGEND! I AM THE WARRIOR WONDER!"
Blowing kisses to the largest crowd in Warrior history the place went crazy. The Fakers were finally defeated. After having the lead all night, they hung their heads and walked off the court as the Warriors celebrated. Kobe looked back and glared promising another exciting rematch in March, and then grabbed his groin and left."
Though Kobe Bryant might be the NBA's best player, nobody does showtime like Baron Davis. Unstoppable baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
4 σχόλια:
I remember when it was called the Coliseum and they were giving away tickets to fill the arena. How things change.
Indeed they change but check this out: last spring I was there for the first time after many years to check and I thought we were heading to a new arena when I came across the old and creepy Coliseum renamed to Oracle arena....!
Yeah, it's all jacked up with commercial endorsements and sponsorship. PacBel Park, 3Comm get me.
Btw, I see a lot of Burberry on this site. What's up with that?
about Burberry: lololol! just fooling people and making fun of the latest Burberry's trend that has Greeks (+ their dogs) spotting up the brand E-V-E-R-Y-W-H-E-R-E!!! shirts, trash cans, shocks, ties, dog clothes.....I'm tellin ya it's a disease, epidemic 1!!!!
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