Πέμπτη 10 Απριλίου 2008

Revolver: probably THE best movie eva...

Seriously now...I'm planning on taking a leave of absence (from everyday life) after watching Guy Ritchie's phenomenal masterpiece (a little bit of exaggeration ain't that bad)...I might have to visit a psychiatrist too (or a shrink, whatever)...
Well, I always though that I could have been happier if I wasn't such a big thinker...problem is I still haven't figured out a way to manage to do so and therefore I very often find myself trapped in a series of questions, dilemmas and options...Not that I'm having trouble making decisions but it gets tougher when the options are endless and you think about all possible consequences and implications...Wish I was dumb??? Hell no, but I'll never find out what's better...
Back to the movie, the story is pretty interesting with a fast pace plus an excellent casting (actors totally suiting for their roles), you really can't and won't quit on it...And when moving to the point that GR is trying to make then it really gets complicated. And that's why this joint didn't get good reviews but was blasted as "incomprehensible and inconceivable"...
Wondering what's the main idea of the movie right????
Take your ego away and then you will feel what's real freedom like! "The greatest enemy will hide in the last place you will ever look" Our true enemy is in us - it is our ego... The voice that always tells us that we are important, that gives us our pride, that tells us not to give, but only to take, that creates our aggression, that wants to be in control, that creates all the negative feelings and thoughts. The only way to gain true control is when you loose control and you just let go of your personal importance.
Pretty interesting don't you think??? U really have to watch that last part of the movie to get a true "feeling"...
Anyway, I'm out, check the trailer but if you really want to catch a great movie just watch it. Funny I'm writing those things in a blog related to Thessaloniki...Each and everyday I'm finding out that people around are more interested in drinking the frappe or going to bouzoukia (typical in Tuesdays) rather than watching a film...Let me revise that: people, meaning no students (no offense of course)...

3 σχόλια:

CaliforniaKat είπε...

I've always been told I think too much, but I've seen what happens to people who are ignorant and don't think much at all. I wouldn't wish that fate on anyone.

There's a balance. I think you find it when you move around, involve yourself in physical things without making yourself crazy and come to peace.

Revolver is a great movie.

DIO είπε...

Thanks Kat, I'm really working on finding that balance...

CaliforniaKat είπε...

I know you are, that's why I always give you props where they're due.