Some things never change, people in Thessaloniki are pretenders who like to fake and be too f$#%&@# serious even when watching a comedy movie....We keep telling you, but you won't listen..why so serious ??? W.H.I.V.S.I.V. is back taking a shot at those bums! yay!!!!! GET A LIFE PEOPLE!I know, I know..I’ve let down all my thousands readers by not uploading a single article for a long long time..But now the anticipation is over!!! W.H.I.V.S.I.V. is back and do be honest I don’t know where to begin with..
Let’s take things in a random way and begin with a –I wanna hope- worldwide phenomenon which I like to call “Complete Lack of Humor”-CLH. I guess Dio will call it a Greek phenomenon and in a way he’s right but that’s not the issue... Let’s get to the point. Coming out of a just perfect end of summer in CA,USA me and my bro-Biz- came back in the best of moods ready for another difficult winter…While in CA for 22 days we were bombed by movie trailers and especially the trailer of the movie “TROPIC THUNDER” directed by our favorite Ben Stiller..

I guess we all know
what Ben Stiller stands for and so are his movies…The guy is just hilarious..He is a humor-genius…Add to that the ultimate transformation and performance of Junior and the absolutely awesome character of Cruise and you have a real masterpiece movie…Ok, most of you are already having a
thizzle face wondering “how on earth is a stupid comedy called a masterpiece???”..Well that’s exactly the point…Let me get this straight…We’re talking about a movie which you can watch just so that you spend 2 pleasant hours and temporarily forget about your –too many- every day thoughts and problems…You won’t get a “best script” or a “best actor” Oscar award out of it, that’s for sure..But you’ll get a 2 hour smile in your face.. Isn’t that important too??? My point is that I’m really fed up with all the self-called “Cinemaniacs” who are really pathetic just judging and booing every movie not directed by Almodovar (nothing against the guy)… Comments like “Oh baby, that was really silly” or “Oh man that movie crapped, what’s funny about a fully retard actor-little John character- anyway??” and staff like that really make me furious…It’s like watching a James Bond movie and as you exit the hall saying “How can he always escape without a scratch in his $10000 suit??? That’s bullshit, can’t happen in real life”…. Really bro??? Oh reaaaallyyyy????Don’t tell me that..You’ve just watched o Bond movie…C’m on..Let’s get serious…If you can’t stand it stay to your place and watch a Sunday’s newspaper DVD…I think that going to the movies is one of the best ways of entertainment. You can choose what to watch, you sit back comfortably and finally have fun..Don’t ruin that… Following “TROPIC THUNDER” we watched another laughter masterpiece called
“ZOHAN” starring another best of mine actor, Adam Sandler…What can I say about that movie??? I was laughing to tears…

But as I realized afterwards that made me an immature 30 years old guy according to the majority of the around 25-30 years old girls. Generally the point is that you can’t expect a 30pts,7stl,6blk,15ast game from Pzrybilla…Or to make it more obvious, you can’t expect a Honda Civic ’92 model, reaching a 200miles final speed….
So until you manage to reach that speed, we will laugh our butt down with “Zoolander” and “Zohan” and you can just f@#$ off and watch Aggelopoulo….
4 σχόλια:
Yo Lasmeeeeee!!! It's been a while...
CLH fo life, I totally agree, people have to stop being modelakia kai na to paizoun tough guys...oso gia ta girls...killaho!
and don't forget to sign up for Φεστιβαλ Κινηματογραφου Θεσσαλονικης, lots of Almodovar and Aggelopoulo there...
hehe and lots of Takeshi Kitano this year :P
so because I can...συνεχίζω με ελληνικά...
Δεν θεωρώ τον Adam Sandler πετυχημένο κωμικό... και το ζόχαν ήταν εντελώς ηλίθιο και προσωπικά το θεώρησα προσβλητικό προς τους παλαιστίνιους
και ας σατίριζε τους εβρέους.
Αλλά... ένα θα πω Zoolander For the win.
Yoooooooooooo it's been a while indeed!! Επιτελους κάποιος told them how it is. Δε μας φτάνει η μιζέρια της Ελλάδας, έχουμε και τους φαν του Almodovar (λεμε τώρα).
Προτινόμενη ταινία καφρίλας: Zack and Miri make a porno. Watch it.
yeah that was a funny movie, watch Zohan too!!!
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