Σάββατο 20 Σεπτεμβρίου 2008

LET’S PUT A SMILE ON THAT FACCCCE! I finally saw the Dark Knight in a cinemaplex yesterday! I wanted to take a break and watch "The Dark Knight" a few months after its initial release in order to avoid getting drifted by "Top 10 Movie on my all time list" comments...the hype for this one was huge while all kinds of problems surrounded production the bigger of them Ledger's tragic suicide/death...
But was the hype around Ledger's performance and the praise it’s garnered thus far well deserved????
Well, yes and no! While this is probably 1 of the best movie I’ve seen in years it seemed to me that the movie was tooooooo long and actually dead after the 1st half when batman brings back to Gotham City the Chinese dude...It felt like the movie reached it's peek and then went on a downfall with twoface's emerge being the only bright spot...Heck, I though they could have made a sequel out of this piece of tape...
Ain't no hater, I love Batman, my Movies collection includes the original batman and Robin TV series from the 70's... Christian Bale is the best Bruce Wayne since Adam West (that’s the vintage s*** there). George Clooney was by far the worst. Gyllenhall was excellent, Eckhart was dynamic (and his two-face makeup was superb. it looked as though his face was blown off for real), Caine, Freeman, Oldman–all of these guys are accomplished actors. Its the like the dream team or something!!!! Oh yeah, Aaron Eckhart’s performance as Two-Face was fantastic although it will be lost behind Ledger’s Joker...
ENTER the Joker, a homicidal freak who wants nothing more than to burn down the city and break down the spirits of its residents. From the bank heist at the beginning of the flick to the hostages on the boats in the end, Joker proved to be next level psychotic. A true criminal mastermind that’s two or three steps ahead of his competition. His laugh was a murda maniacal one and his sense of humor was sick. Heath Ledger’s Joker was so brilliant that I really felt he made Jack Nicholson’s version seem like something out of a Disney Channel movie. Dude, Heath Ledger wasn’t genius, that was epic, phenomenal. Voice change, mannerisms, tics, the smacking of the lips, the eloquence, that might have been one of the best villains ever. He was scary. Just like Joker should be...
"skimmers...skimmers trying to control their little words...I'm not a skimmer, I'm trying to show the skimmers how...pathetic their attempts to control the world really are..."
The hospital scene and especially the ending is actually going down as a true all time classic....it's called great acting and it's a natural talent...Just check out how Ledger manages to deliver a true epic performance that stands miles above Jack Nickolson's Joker..Can't blame him for being furious over the production for overpassing him...

"It isn't about the money, its about sending a message" - The Joker

As for the haters?? just chill...the only thing you need to do in order to enjoy movies, whatever kind, is to forget it’s fiction...
Rule Number 2: Wanna get out right away??? Watch a movie, its cheaper than catching a Southwest flight... That’s what this movie did. I forgot about all my problems and was living in Gotham City for two and a half hours...When you forget that you’re watching actors live out a written script. That’s what this movie did. I forgot about all my problems and was living in Gotham City for two and a half hours. The flick was so well written that it was like poetry on the silver screen. The twists in the plot and the action was phenomenal. The dark humor was great. The gadgets that Batman was rocking was off the hook. Great dialogs, intelligent story. And the acting was impeccable...
All bullsh*t aside, I have to say it: “The Dark Knight” is almost a true classic. If this movie had any flaws it laid with Rachel Dawes (Maggie Gyllenhaal). It had nothing to do with her acting, she did her, but come on, they couldn’t cast someone attractive? Did it have to be all about the acting? But even though she’s a very good actress, bringing Katie Holmes back instead of Maggie G. would have been perfect. Especially the tougher looking sophisticated Katie Holmes of today not the sweety from Batman Begins!
Also, the ending sucks...Batman has now become the scapegoat, the Dark Knight...I guess it's not a big deal, just another prime example of how we build our heroes up only to tear them down...This movie actually makes you root for the bad guy, Joker!
Extra credit goes for a great music score and a wide range of official posters which manage to intrigue and promote a truly dark side of Batman...

Introducing my brand new movies rating, 5 hate cities means the movie was horrible, I hated it and you shouldn't be watching it while 0 hate city means I almost got nothing to hate , a masterpiece...

Hands down, only 1 Hate city...go watch it if you haven't already!

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